Established Neighbourhoods
If you have ever thought, “they just don’t make things like they used to,” an established neighbourhood may be the best place for you. Established neighbourhoods have a certain classic appeal that some homeowners, particularly those with traditional tastes, love. The homes may have architectural features of a bygone era or more character and history than new homes.
Another reason to choose an established neighbourhood over a new one is the greenery. You’ll be more likely to find tree-lined streets with plenty of shade than in a newer development. It can take many years for certain species of trees to mature fully, and you just won’t find that in a new neighbourhoods. Also, with older homes, the previous owners may have already done the landscaping for you.
Because neighbourhoods often spring up around businesses and industries, established neighbourhoods tend be centrally located with shorter commute times. They are also more likely to be served by public transit and to be close to restaurants, nightlife, culture, and entertainment in the heart of the city.
To read the rest of this article, check out the latest issue of Living in Sudbury Magazine.
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